Monday, June 06, 2005

Service Pack 4 Weirdness

Here’s something I’ve been meaning to put on here for a while around a bug that appears after the installation of service pack 4 for Analysis Services.

The server is sitting on version 8.0.2026.0 msolap80.dll (This I believe is the beta for service pack 4 but the behaviours here have been recreated in the release version of service pack 4 which I’m told is 8.0.2029). Two clients one on service pack 3a (8.0.760) and the other on service pack 4 release.

Create a calculated member in the Warehouse cube on the Foodmart 2000 database called warehouse count using…

Distinctcount([Warehouse].[Warehouse Name].members)

No problems, you will be able to get the correct values out on either version of the clients msolap80.dll. Import the calculated member or recreate it on the virtual cube built from the Warehouse cube that has just the dimensions and measures copied in from the physical.

Look at the calculated member in the virtual cube with a client on 8.0.2026 and you get nothing returned, look at it with a service pack 3a client you will get the correct value. Now this may not seem like much of a problem when you haven’t or have no intention of deploying service pack 4 PTSlite to clients but if you have Analysis and Reporting Services pulling data out of the cubes on the same machine then you will be using Service Pack 4 PTS.

This has caused me a lot of problems and even to a certain extent caused me to have to redesign some of the cubes. We could role back the service pack but in this situation the querying and processing stability issues resolved were too important to overlook. Suffice to say we are now building VMWare images to allow us to test this kind of deployment in future without actually deploying.

If anyone else gets a different result or has any similar experiences then I would be really interested to hear about them.

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