Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Simple SSIS Logging - Part 2, Devil in the Detail

Ok so now you know when a package process starts, when it finishes and its final status (See Part 1). What we don’t have is the ability to accurately analyse the individual steps within a package and make effective decisions based on the information available.

First you will have to decide what you are looking to track within the system. Obviously errors are the most important element as fast resolution is essential. Next should be warnings. The warnings generated within SSIS are key to identifying areas that may have performance issues. A common warning in SSIS would be where a column is brought into from a data source but subsequently not used throughout the package. SSIS will raise a warning at every transformation informing a user that these unused columns may hinder performance but does not effect the final outcome of the package.

For these examples we’re writing our log to a database so it’s necessary to have a structure to hold it. A nice simple structure should let you know the type of alert, timestamp, source task and any other descriptive information (such as error code and error description).

When you have the table structure you can write an insert statement, the most sensible option is of course a stored procedure with a number of parameters serving your needs, something like this;

usp_WriteSSISEvent @ServerName, @EventType, @SourcePackage, @SourceTask, @ErrorCode, @ErrorDesc, @TimeStamp

So how do these variables get populated? Well for the most control on what gets written and where (and it’s pretty simple to boot, hence the title), I’m first going to put an Execute SQL task in to the OnError event handler. After setting the connection manager set the SQL statement via an expression. If you’ve not done this before it’s a very useful thing to know about but to cut a long story short it’s possible to set any number of task properties via an expression.

The expression will effectively be the constructed SQL statement with your parameters populated via a combination of system variables and direct input. Here’s The statement for an OnError event based on the above stored procedure example.

"EXECUTE [usp_WriteSSISEvent]

@ServerName = '" + @[System::MachineName] + "'

,@EventType = '" + "OnError" + "'

,@SourcePackage = '" + @[System::PackageName] + "'

,@SourceTask = '" + @[System::SourceName] + "'

,@ErrorCode = " + (DT_WSTR, 15)@[System::ErrorCode] + "

,@ErrorDescription = '" + @[System::ErrorDescription] + "'

,@EventTimeStamp = '" + (DT_WSTR, 30)GETUTCDATE() + "'"

Yeah I know it looks a bit of a mess but trust me, this works .

The pain with this method is it’s not possible to populate the @EventType via a system variable meaning that you have to populate it manually for each event type you wish to record. The other gotcha is that the system variables differ dependent on the event type. For example of the 4 I usually use, OnError, OnWarning, OnPostExecute and OnPreExecute, only errors and warning have the error code and description. Something to be aware of.

If you want to see it working then I have an example project all ready to send, just mail me at mailto:steve@stevemchugh.com?subject=Simple%20SSIS%20Logging%20Part%20Deux and I’ll send you a copy. It has the database structure as a script so there’s not too much effort involved in having a look.

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